Thousands of heart-warming Linda images, impossible to settle on just a few. So much love, so much life!

The Logan ladies ready to welcome you aboard.

Linda and Dixie, on the Guadalupe River in Kerrville, TX.

The Force is strong with Linda, taking in her first AA ballgame after getting out of the ICU.

Our most macabre image from a Halloween evening gone by! (Jeff wore this stuffed baby suit earlier in the day, portraying the newsworthy Prince George.)

One of Linda's favorite costumes, trick-or-treaters had no idea what to make of this person, complete with construction paper eyebrows and mustache, and tightly permed male wig! Linda called him "Schneider, your building super."

Please...accept these treats, young ones! (how will we ever face Trick-or-Treaters again.)

Kay and her daughter, at 1851 Vineyards in Fredericksburg, TX.

North Texas Scottish Festival and Highland Games, Decatur TX, 2019

Hank and his youngest daughter

Breathtaking beauties in the Texas Discovery Gardens in Fair Park, Dallas TX

Off to the office

At Truett Hurst winery, along Dry Creek, Healdsburg, CA

Our last Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, rubbing Will Rogers' nose for good luck!

Happy anniversary honey! (at Old Warsaw, Dallas)

Ein prosit! Oktoberfest in Addison.

Our last dinner celebrating the anniversary of us becoming a family, Sept. 2019, Denton, TX.

Kay Moon and her daughters Linda and Laura, Bending Branch Winery, Comfort, TX.

Linda portrait from college, Lambda Chi Alpha Little Sisters, Baylor University

Linda's senior portrait, Tivy High School, Kerrville, TX.
Lady in red, at Baylor.
Linda and Chip, best buds at Baylor.
Old friends, Linda, Ken and Rebecca in Kerrville.

Becky and Linda, best friends in high school. In the Guadalupe River, Kerrville, TX.
Early indication that Linda is a hat person.
Charming face of youth, Linda wore the fishing hat from her grandfather Bud for quite a number of her tomboy years.

Baby Linda ("Yinnie" as her sister called her as she could not pronounce Linda) tattling on her sister to Mom.

Beach baby, Rehoboth Beach, DE probably.

Sassypants sisters, Laura and Linda

Toddlers Jeff and Linda (aka Jecky and Yinnie in those days)

Kay with her lovelies, Linda and Laura. (See Linda's image with her lovelies earlier in this Gallery, very similar!)

Johnson City, TX

Anastasia's graduation from high school, May 2017.

Texas Discovery Gardens, Fair Park
Linda could talk to animals like no other, they were completely drawn to her. This is Carlito, near Fredericksburg, TX.

Carlito, my little buttercup!

THE SECRET TO A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE! (the following pictures say it all....Linda was diagnosed 6 months prior, but that had nothing to do with this insider's look at what made it work!)

Prost und Auf Wiedersehen! Ich liebe dich!

The day after Linda was admitted to hospice, she was at peace. She took a brisk walk...and I could not keep up.