Linda’s Liver, Chapter 2
Linda and Jeff, off to dinner instead of their 20th wedding anniversary cruise!
From: Linda Logan (Harper House)
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:07 PM
Subject: RE: Linda's Liver, part 2
Dear Friends,
Here’s an update for all of you who’ve been wondering “What’s up with Linda’s liver?”
September 4 was my last day of round 10 chemo and the first day of the waiting period to allow WBC, RBC, platelets and liver function to normalize in advance of surgery to remove the offending (and offensive) parts of my liver.
The latest news: I’ve been declared a less-than-ideal surgical candidate. Too many cancer remnants and too much scar tissue in my liver. WBC, RBC and platelets all good; liver function not so good. The team doesn’t think I’d be left with enough good liver to make the surgery survivable.
Plan B is a procedure called “Y-90” that places radioactive beads directly in the offensive parts of the liver: I’m seeing a specialist about this next week and am consulting my star oncologist, Dr. X, as well. The hope here is, I think, to neutralize the bad liver parts enough to allow and encourage the remaining good, healthy parts to take over. Then, maybe, surgery could again be on the table and the cancer on the cutting room floor.
Surgery is the only way to get to “cancer free.”
There’s a Plan C that’s more like “living with cancer,” which doesn’t sound that great but, apparently, a lot of people do it. This plan would be more of a maintenance type of chemo (oral, not infused) causing fewer side effects and less damage to healthy tissues.
I remain confident and optimistic and continue to appreciate your support, prayers, well wishes and any other good stuff you send my way.
Love to all,